Embrace Imperfection

Life is a process driven by practice. Once you’ve embraced practice, your best work can emerge.

Mike Rohde
1 min readJun 18, 2017


The temptation to do perfect work is strong.

It’s a romantic notion I get caught up in from time to time. Eventually, I come back to reality. Process is where the creativity is at, and perfection is just the carrot always drawing me forward.

When I embrace imperfection, I’m free to experiment and grow.

Accepting my imperfection is a way of telling myself “It’s OK to try new things and maybe fail.”

That’s called growth and learning.

Next time you fail at being perfect, remember to embrace that imperfection as a sign that your growth is in progress.

I’m the author of two bestselling books: The Sketchnote Handbook and
The Sketchnote Workbook, which teach you how to create sketchnotes, especially if you can’t draw. Check them out.

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Mike Rohde
Mike Rohde

Written by Mike Rohde

Designer. Bestselling author of The Sketchnote Handbook The Sketchnote Workbook. Illustrator of REWORK, REMOTE, $100 Startup. Founder of Sketchnote Army.

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